Saturday, 2 June 2007


Abah came home early from JB today (or rather yesterday coz it's passed midnite now) and guess what he brought home ..? A polysterene cooler box full with is not likely that he bought it ..he never did before. Later mama found out that he went to Sg Rengit with his contractor friend Zul. Zul belanja lah ni...fresh from the sea.

Everybody was excited to open the box. Voila....there was one lobster, 2 big ikan bawal, 1 big ikan jenak, a few small fish and another big fish - nama and jenis ikan pun mama tak tahu, let alone to cook. Must wait for Tok Mi to come.

The 2 ikan bawals were underneath the big fish. The smaller ones were like "display" fish. Not sure if they are edibles.
This is our maid Darsih. She doesn't eat fish tapi sabo je lah..kena handle jugak big fish ni...

The lobster was big and the "horn" was like one feet long. This is the kids' first encounter with fresh lobster. Aliff was first to run away.

Takut betul dia especially bila kena sakat dgn kak ngah. Kakak kata kalau tak nak bukak pampers, dia nak letak lobster kat po*** Aliff...siap masuk bawah meja lagi, muka sampai pucat...he was really scared.

close up of the big lobster. scarry huh? Ngah buat-buat berani je ni...she carried the lobster around and kejar Aliff...

Ayie pun takut tapi tak le seteruk Aliff. Must be because of the long "horn".

Aliff , he was crying and hiding under the table. Notice something at his groin? Yes....he was so scared sampai terkencing-kencing....he had his diapers on tapi bocor lah tu....

Later while i was helping him to wear his pyjama, I asked about the lobster ;

mama : kenapa Aliff takut sangat dgn lobster?
Aliff : Aliff takut lah, nanti dia gigit po*** Aliff..

hahaha macam-macam lah si Aliff ni. Everytime he is naughty, Ngah would remind him of the out....

Alhamdulilah for the rezeki today..

sayang selalu,


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