Monday, 20 August 2007


We had a great time yesterday watching the latest Disney movie by Pixar " Ratatouille". It was hillarious. The only set back was our bad choice of seating. The first time we went to MBO for TRANSFORMER, we were seated in a middle of a two-row theater CINE 7. Abah prefered we took the back seat.

This time around the movie was shown at CINE 4, a larger theater with 12 seater in a middle and 2 seaters on each side. When we book the ticket on Saturday, we saw ample seats at the back so I chose the last row not knowing that CINE 4 and CINE 7 were having a totally different layout.
So what's wrong with the last row? The last 3 rows were rather flat, We did't get to see the bottom part of the screen. I was annoyed by the front people, some heads were higher than the other. Aliff had to sit on the arm rest in order to watch the movie, so did Ayie, Ngah and myself.

But nevertheless, the movie was fantastic and entertaining right till the end. Worth the ringgit that we spent. I heard Aliff asked to buy the CD right after the the lights on. I thot I want to watch it for the second time...It will take sometime for the CD to come out...apa lagi cetak, rompak le...DVD 9.

Seriously speaking, I think this is the best animated movie ever.



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