Wednesday, 27 June 2007


Tonight I feel like writing about my Aliff - Muhamad Aliff Ahmad Nazri. Born on 30 Dec 2002 in Kota Bharu - he'll be 5 years old this coming December. He doesn't look his age, he is small and underweight.To us, Aliff is the clown of the house.
He is the most talkative among other siblings.

From the time he opens his eyes in the morning till he sleeps at night, talking is what he does best. The phrase "mulut murai" suits him well. Nevetheless, most of his words are entertaining and that's why we just layan to what he has to say. When nobody's around, he never felt lonely coz he can just talk to his toys, pretend to be this and that.

He is the most sociable & can make friends easily
He is that type who can just start any the conversation anytime. He is our official "telephone operator".

He is the longest to wear diapers
Fuh...this is the hardest part. He still wears diapers at 5. He hates toilet train. When you asked him when he can be free from diapers? He'll give many-many excuses

Mama : " Aliff tak panas ke pakai pampers"

Aliff : "Tak lah, kawan Aliff kata Aliff kecik lagi, Aliff kena pakai pampers"

There was this time his kindergarten teacher called me, she noticed Aliff wore diapers to school. When asked why, he replied that Mama FORGOT to buy him seluar dalam. So this teacher called to share her conversation with Aliff and we both laughed to his cunning answer. so the same day Mama went to Jusco to get him a set of seluar dalam. the next morning, he was reluctant to wear it because not used to it and hence refused to go to school. Bibik and I had to pujuk him and I suggested that he wore the seluar dalam outside his diapers, he agreed to that idea.

He is the longest to "menetek"
The best part is, he still can't get over the "menetek" habit. He only need it before he went to bed, sort of lullaby to him I guess. He will ask for "nak tido tetek", he must get tetek before he can drink the actual milk from the feeding bottle. When asked why he can't stop, you'll get so many answers too

Mama : Bila Aliff nak stop tetek ni

Answer 1 : Aliff kecik lagi lah

Answer 2 : Baby belum ada lagi....(wooo wait a minute, when can that be?)

He is the latest to start schooling...

Afif started kindergarten at 2+, Ngah at 3+ and so does Ayie. Aliff started kindergarten at Tadikom at 4+ (or 5 years old by the year he was born). His pick up was fantastic coz I bought him english CD to watch at home.

Aliff likes to collect toys, cheap toys to be exact. He can always find his to "seduce" me into buying him more toys everyday. fuh...this is tough.

Aliff for whatever your kerenah is, we love you anyway.


Saturday, 16 June 2007


Can't remember when was the last time I bowl. It's been ages I think..sometime 8-10 years ago? Last Wednesday, 13 June 2007 was the return of Mama's bowling legacy. My office (TM Selatan) held a bowling tournament in conjunction with the farewell gathering for our current GM - Tn Hj Mohd Fateh Haniff who will end his service in TM due to expiry of his tenure period and compulsary pension.

Our team comprised of Hj Kamsaini (HK), Jaini Jumingan (JJ) and myself - the guys registered me as Mak Leha (ML). I was not sure how experienced the 2 guys in my team were but I know I am qualified, it's just that I do not bowl regularly - mind you, I stopped participating in sports some 14 years ago? Just after I got married. That explains why I became oversize...hehehhe excuse and more excuse..

There was this guy in my team - the usual one who likes to tease me. He was sceptical about my bowling skill. He even sms me " aku tak mahu kau jadi penyebab kekalahan team kita"..sounded hush but knowing him, I know he was just joking. I was contemplating myself whether to give up or to proceed. I know apart from taking home the prize (???..!!!) , my body will ache all over. But the challenge was so tempting....
The tournament was held at Daiman Bowl, Johor Jaya, JB. Big place with about >30 bowling alleys. The participation was about 20+ teams from TM and JKH contractors combined. Our team was stationed at alley no 3 and 4 together with other 2 teams. We had to play 3 games and the highest group scores will win. The best part was, the prizes were for the best 10 teams. Our team targeted for 9th or 10th placing. Ladies will get 10 points handicapped per game.

The first game was quite OK. Yours truly managed to get >100 scores on average with 5 strikes and several spares. Good for a long-time-no-play me. My scores were as per below :

First Game - 113 + 10 = 123
Second game - 105 + 10 = 115
Third game - 123 + 10 = 133

Surprisingly the guys didn't do that well. I managed to beat THAT guy and I felt very proud about it. The final game was my best and HIS worst. That scores kept his mouth sealed for a while. We came in no 8, which was ahead of our target. TM and JKH equally won the 10 best teams and our team included.
The cramps and achings of knee, ribs and back came in as early as 3rd game.
I just ignore it. The pain worsen untill the next day. That night I slept around 3am, I told Hana, officemate and my hotel roomate, that I started my bowling lesson way back in my University years 1988-1989. I took bowling class as part of my electives and got distinction for that class. Me and my collegemate bowled quite often especially over the weekend and semester break. The sports complex at Texas A&I University was within walking distance from where we used to live. Apart from bowling, I also cycled, played tennis, badminton, racquet ball and archery. That explained my enthusiast in sports. When I joined TM, I took up where I left, I played tennis, volleyball, squash and bowling - that was before I got married. I practically put a stop to all of that after I got married. Now I am picking up badminton with Abang Afif and probably bowling later can be part of our family activities.

Being a second child and an active one too, sports and I get along very well. I hope all my kids will follow my foot step. Ngah Afini, my second child seemed to do just that. She swims very well, plays netball, badminton and karate-do. Abang Afif is into badminton and football. He can swim too. Ayie and Aliff, on the other hand, do not show any interest in any particular games yet. I am sure they will develop it in years to come.

I hope all my kids will take up sports. Being active in sports can increase your thinking and tactical skills. You will learn about teamworking and the spirits of winning. Finally you will learn more about yourself. Life is full of winning and losing - what matters most is how you handle both situations. I learnt a lot through sports and part of it has made me a better person.

We left for home later the next day. I purposely left the prize unopened until I got home. When I reached home, Aliff was already sleeping. The other 3 got the chance to see what's inside the box. Tok Mi was there too. It was a cordless electrical kettle. Not bad. I gave the prize to Darsih, my maid as I don't need extra kettle. I still keep the unused kettle (our wedding present some 13 years ago..!!) She could use it for her new house. It was a token for accompanying Tok Mi while I was away.

Yeeessssss....What a satisfying experience...

sayang selalu,


Sunday, 10 June 2007


Today is the last day of school holiday. We didn't get to go on vaccation this time around. Kesian semua, really exhausted with their daily routine during this school hols. Abang was occupied with his kelas tambahan mon - fri 8.00 - 12.00, Ngah too had to attend kelas tambahan UPKK 2.30 - 5.30pm. Not to mention night classes, Al Quraan classes and another tuition over the weekend . How did they do that? Alhamdulillah, no complain from any of anak mama.

Apart from their busy schedule, they just enjoyed staying at home, play badminton, football and bicycle ride. Children are children, at least they get to do their childish thingy. May be next time around, when mama and abah are less busy, we will go on a family vaccasion. The best time is after Abang's UPSR - it's a promise.

We spent the last 2 weekends in KL. The kid's last trip to KL was in January. They were so excited to meet Wan, dah rindu ikan masak pedas - favorite dish that only Wan and Mimi can do. We went to Maksu's place for family gathering and Nadrah's aqiqah. Ngah chose to stay back at Mommy's place coz later mommy plan to come and visit us in Melaka. Jarang-jarang jumpa so happening habis sampai tak nak balik.

Last Thursday, mama brought back Ngah, Nina, Lia, Ali and Tok Mi to Melaka. A silent trip coz everybody was sleeping like a log.
Looking back at just a few days ago, the children were all very happy and excited when their cousins came. Mommy and Abah zie came on friday night. The kids were so engrossed and pre-occupied with their own thing that mama walked in and out of the house unnoticed..!!!
Mama had the great time cooking because mama knew the kids love to eat and they get hungry quite often too... especially Ali. Mommy had to leave on Saturday night to avoid traffic congestion.

Abang Afif is all geared up for school tomorrow. Ngah and Ayie - well how shall I put it...indifferent. Aliff , on the other hand, does not really know that it is school holiday. He looked forward to start school again tomorrow.

Everybody slept early tonite. With Tok Mi around, mama can leave the tucking-to- bed job to Tok Mi. Good nite my dears. Sleept tight.



Wednesday, 6 June 2007


Baby Nadrah turns 1 month today...Khairin Nadrah bt Ridwan, Farah's daughter and Mak su Idah's first granddaughter, born on 6 May 2007 - hey mama and baby Nadrah share the same birthdate !!!!
Boleh lah mintak Maksu buat extra cake for the double celebration. Can see Maksu smiling from ear to ear. She chose to be called Mama Tok. ishhh..sounds wierd huh...

Farah held the majlis aqiqah on 3rd June (sunday) at Mak su's place - on K. nun's birthday. Started with tahlil and "potong jambul" - cukur kepala was due the next day. So many people turned up. Catered food was good.

Uncle Zawawi & Aunty Treasure came all the way from Perth (well..they came here for other reasons too). Tok mi came from Kelantan. They accompanied Tok Mi from KB. Warren's family was not around because he had to be in Russia and he's due to return not until 5th June.

Aliff was all excited to be around the baby. Up to the extend of persuading me to take Nadrah home.

Aliff : mama, Aliff suka lah main dgn baby. Tangan dia lembut
Mama : Aliff suka baby boy atau baby girl?
Aliff : Aliff suka baby girl
Mama : kenapa suka girl?
Aliff : Kalau boy nanti Aliff gaduh macam Ayie..
Mama : kalau ada baby, Aliff tak boleh tetek lagi...
Aliff : (shook his head in disagreement) mama, boleh ke kita bawak baby balik?
Mama : Tak boleh lah, ni baby Kak Farah.
Aliff : Boleh la, kita pinjam saja, esok kita pulang balik
Mama : Tak boleh
Aliff : Boleh la, boleh la , suruh K. Farah beli baby lain..!!!!
Mama : Ya Allah, tak boleh. Tak ada orang jual baby
Aliff : Boleh la mama (whispering something to me) mama bayarlah duit kat K. Farah, biar dia beli baby lain....!!

Can't help myself from laughing, that was really funny...He was at the verge of crying. I had to ask Farah to take the baby away. It was cute of him to ask for baby.

Aliff was really serious about taking the baby home
See his face when he said "boleh la, boleh la ma kita bawak baby balik"
His hands were all over baby Nadrah, she was sleeping soundly despite the noice

I always get this unexplained feeling whenever I am around newborn/cute babies. Rasanya ada harapan utk dapat baby lagi kot. This time around, if I were given the chance, I pray for a baby girl. Twins pun boleh...hope my thyroid problem will get better. Age is catching up la...
To Aliff - insyallah ada rezeki, kita "beli" baby lain ok...
sayang selalu;


It's mengaji time again.....mengaji Al Quraan has been our family activity for the last 10 months. Abah hired a 20 years old Ustaz Zakuan (al hafidz) - a free lance Quraan teacher. Later we found out that he's quite famous among our circle of friends.

The class is held at our house 3 days a week after Isya' prayer, 12 days a month for RM 300. Not bad huh? Considering he has to travel from Klebang to Ayer Keroh. His schedule is quite flexible too. Whenever he has other commitment or when it rains, it's off day. He would replace it to other days - but if we cancel the class, he need not replace it.

The whole family will take turn to mengaji. Ayie or Aliff would go first, Ngah, Abang, mama and finally Abah. Since Feb this year, Abang and Ngah had to attend night classes from 8pm - 10pm mon - thur and so the Quraan session need to be retimed to 10pm onwards. Ayie and Aliff selalu ponteng coz they went to bed early. They get to mengaji only when Ustaz shifted the class to Friday. Alhamdulillah, nobody complains. Ngah and Abang penat macamana pun tak pernah nak ponteng mengaji. Syabas anak-anak mama. Keep up the good spirit...

Tonite Abah is not around, Abah has to attend some ISO briefing in Northern states. I feel proud to see my boys "melayan" ustaz. After every mengaji session mama would serve Ustaz some refreshment and normally Abah would accompany him. Tonite all my boys duduk makan sambil melayan Ustaz cakap. Thank you so much my dears for doing this in Abah's absence. Mama managed to snap some photos of mengaji in action - quite cool.

Aliff and his Qiraati

Khusyuknya anak mama sorang ni

At the time of writing, Ayie is at Iqra' 3

Abang, Ngah, Ayie and Aliff - mama hope that all of you will continue to recite Al Quraan even after khatam. Please hold it close to your heart and read it as part of your daily routine.. Insyallah....and please don't forget to make doa for mama and Abah wherever you are.

sayang selalu;


Saturday, 2 June 2007


Abah came home early from JB today (or rather yesterday coz it's passed midnite now) and guess what he brought home ..? A polysterene cooler box full with is not likely that he bought it ..he never did before. Later mama found out that he went to Sg Rengit with his contractor friend Zul. Zul belanja lah ni...fresh from the sea.

Everybody was excited to open the box. Voila....there was one lobster, 2 big ikan bawal, 1 big ikan jenak, a few small fish and another big fish - nama and jenis ikan pun mama tak tahu, let alone to cook. Must wait for Tok Mi to come.

The 2 ikan bawals were underneath the big fish. The smaller ones were like "display" fish. Not sure if they are edibles.
This is our maid Darsih. She doesn't eat fish tapi sabo je lah..kena handle jugak big fish ni...

The lobster was big and the "horn" was like one feet long. This is the kids' first encounter with fresh lobster. Aliff was first to run away.

Takut betul dia especially bila kena sakat dgn kak ngah. Kakak kata kalau tak nak bukak pampers, dia nak letak lobster kat po*** Aliff...siap masuk bawah meja lagi, muka sampai pucat...he was really scared.

close up of the big lobster. scarry huh? Ngah buat-buat berani je ni...she carried the lobster around and kejar Aliff...

Ayie pun takut tapi tak le seteruk Aliff. Must be because of the long "horn".

Aliff , he was crying and hiding under the table. Notice something at his groin? Yes....he was so scared sampai terkencing-kencing....he had his diapers on tapi bocor lah tu....

Later while i was helping him to wear his pyjama, I asked about the lobster ;

mama : kenapa Aliff takut sangat dgn lobster?
Aliff : Aliff takut lah, nanti dia gigit po*** Aliff..

hahaha macam-macam lah si Aliff ni. Everytime he is naughty, Ngah would remind him of the out....

Alhamdulilah for the rezeki today..

sayang selalu,
